Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Mari menjaga Lisan kita :)

Imam Al-Ghazali mengemukakan ada 14 macam bahaya lidah yang harus diperhatikan manusia.

Pertama, perkataan yang tidak bermanfaat yang boleh membuatkan hati kasar.

Kedua, mereka yang banyak bercakap, maka dia banyak bohong. 

Ketiga, bersembang kosong. Padahal ciri-ciri orang beriman (QS 23:3) adalah mereka yang sentiasa menghindarkan diri dari perkataan dan perbuatan yang tidak bermanfaat.

Keempat, menyebabkan pertengkaran dan dendam.

Kelima, banyak bicara akan menimbulkan permusuhan antara kelompok dan golongan.

Keenam, mereka yang berbohong dengan mengaku sebagai pakar suatu bidang.

Ketujuh, ucapan yang mengandungi makian dan cacian.

Kelapan, ucapan yang mengutuk seseorang atau satu golongan.

Kesembilan, ungkapan syair atau nyanyian yang membangkitkan nafsu kebinatangan seseorang.

Kesepuluh, senda gurau dengan memperolok-olok orang lain. Rasulullah bersabda: ‘” Sesungguhnya mereka yang mentertawakan teman-temannya, mereka akan jatuh ke dalam neraka, lebih jatuh dari bintang suria.”

Kesebelas, mengejek orang lain. Allah berfirman: ”Hai orang-orang yang beriman, janganlah suatu kaum merendahkan (mentertawakan) kaum yang lain. Boleh jadi (yang ditertawakan itu) lebih baik dari mereka (yang mentertawakan). Jangan pula sekelompok wanita mentertawakan kelompok wanita yang lain, boleh jadi (yang diperolok-olok itu) lebih baik dari mereka dan janganlah kamu mencela dirimu sendiri dan janganlah kamu memanggil dengan gelaran-gelaran yang buruk,”” (QS 49: 11).

Kedua belas, membuka rahsia orang lain.

Ketiga belas, berjanji palsu.

Keempat belas, bersumpah palsu. Semua itu akan merosak nilai-nilai amanah. Rasulullah bersabda: ”Waspadalah terhadap pembohong! Sebab pembohong dan orang-orang yang zalim sama-sama dalam neraka.” (HR Ibnu Majah)

Seorang sahabat pernah bertanya kepada Rasulullah: ”Apa penyebab terbesar orang masuk neraka?” Nabi menjawab: ””Kerana lidah dan kemaluannya.” (HR Turmudzi).
Mudah-mudahan kita semua dapat mengendalikan diri.

Jagalah lisan dari mengata
Jagalah lisan dari menghina
Kerana lisan musuh ditemui
Kerana lisan teman berkecil hati
Kerana lisan ada yang menangis
Kerana lisan hati terguris

Friday, October 7, 2011

nk jimat pnya pasal..haha~

salam ukhwah yer kwn2...
hehehe...sja nk menggedik cter bnda y bg ak besa jea..bg owg len xtaw la plak yer...huhuhu
nk djadikan cter,sjak2 msok u ni,krisis kwangan ak mmg agk kronik larr..especially lpas hlg money y agk byk dlu..huhu..abis lari suma bajet..hadeyh..tp kn..ak amk inisiatif len utk jimat...iaitu..PUASA SUNAT..smbil2 tmbh phala,bleh la jimat..kn3??tp JIMAT 2 bkn niat utama aku taw...ok??hehehe..ok,smbong cter..kbtolan ari ak posa 2,da la plak latihan kawad..pnat gler doe..pnya la lma komander 2 diskus smpaikan ak y tgah dlm kdudukan snang dri ni dh mla rsa x sdap bdan..(posa la katakan)..tiba2 ja ak nmpk pokok y sbatang dpan ak dh jd 2 btg..ak pnya view pon kejap gelap kejap cerah..apalagi, ak pon kuar la baris dgn thuyung hayang nya..1st tyme seumor idop ak kuar dr baris tyme kawad..(baeknya ak slama ni..hahhahah).malunya...(coz kawad cmpor laki pompuan)...dh la tyme 2 la komander2 2 nk hlangkn dri..nseb bek ak tjmpk dgn sowg komander laki(y mka dya mcm owg ak mnat!)..hehheehhe..smpat gk la ak sengih dlm ati wlaupon mka dh pucat thap kapur kna clorox n kaki n tgn dh sejok mcm freezer..huuhhu..dya swuh ak g rehat...huhu..tp ntah nape,ak mcm bez ja nk kawad(tingat zman skol kott)..so,lpas rehat lbey kurg stegah jam,ak pon msok blek dlm bris wlaupon komander2 da y larang..n pas2 ak leh kawad dgn pnoh smangatnyer!!.huhuuhu..moralnya,..jgn sbb nk jimat,ksihatan dri terabai..(ngata dri snirik)..n papepon,niat 2 pntg..n smangat lg pntg coz kalo ak xsmgt msti ak xkawad lgsg aritu n jaoh ktinggalan dpd kwn2 y len..so,kpd mim,fyda,miera n hani,sila rjin2kn dri anda bkawad yer..utk mncntohi smgt ak..hihihiihihihi=)=)~

Thursday, October 6, 2011

dr novel ke reality~


ni bhgian salam perantauan tyme raye2 dulu..tyme ni aku lm kete on the way nk daftar kt uia n bile bc jew paper ni,aku terus jew snap pic nie..

xsangke gile,U yg ana n apeh blaja tuh btol2x wujud..aku mmg la taw u tu wujud tp this is for REAL~

huhu,bestnye dyorg blaja kat sane...

hoi hoi~

okay..entry kali ni spesial for mim coz mim jew yg geng ngan aku lyn citer2x novel cinta jiwnag karat nie..sorry ye hani n miera n pain..

so,sesaja xdak ghoja aku pon nk story la cket pasai 1 novel yg aku br ja pas baca nie..memandangkan nk p jmpa mim tok dptkn stok2x novel yg best x kesampaian lg,maka aku pon p la kidnap 1 buku ni kt mph minggu lpas..tp xtaw la kalo ang da bc buku ni mim..btw,aku kan mmg da x lyn langsung alaf21 skrng nie..


dah tjuk dy pon maid..so mesti la crita dy pon pasai org gaji an..btw,lately da trend,so typical asyik wat crita maid bercinta ngan tuan rumah..before this,aku bc crita tuan rumah pembantu rumah pon lbey kurang ja crita dy..

huh,its so typical of a malay story..sume same je n ikut tren jew..dulu xhbs2x wat cerita kawin kontrak n crita kawin paksa pastu crita cinta pandang pertama n dahtu crita pasal best friend yg jtuh cinta n skrng ni sume pakat nk jatuh cinta ngan maid..phew~

so,mim,pas ni kalo ko nk wat crita NEVER wat plot yg maid jatuh cinta ngan tuan rumah ok??

Saturday, October 1, 2011

tension koTT...

assalamualaikum..hye kwn2...huhuhu...
xdk pea nk tulis pon..juz ak trasa boring y 'astaghfirullah'..
arini ak dlm mood y xleh nk ckp la...susah kn kalo kta hnya kwn atas nma 'kwn' ja..
2 be honest,bla ak dh terexposed dgn life kt u ni,bwu ak taw n jmpk mcm2 jnis kwn atas dnia ni..
nk djadikan cter,ak rsa idop ak sgt2 la terbeban sjak ak jdik bdk tesl ni..
maybe sbb ak dh biasa dgn suasana y baek2 so ak jd agk tkejot bla allah bg ak ujian dgn kwn2 kt sni..
papepon.ni ujian..ak kna tima..tp serious..ak rindu zman skol dlu..bilamana suma owg still innocent n rsa hasad dengki 2 mseh di tahap bwh tanah..ak xkta bdk2 tesl jhat...maybe ak ja y rsa kurg snang..kn3?papepon,ak kna muhasabah dri blek...maybe ak kna accept differences..it makes our life's full of colour anyway..=)=)=(

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

saje nk gedik!!

okay..ni la comparison antara tgn aku n tgn anak sedara aku yg umo sebulan..hehe=)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

I found her!

Salam, dears!
I didn't expect to actually met a person as 'her' here.
And I just realize it recently.
The different is, she's not as bad as 'her'!
Less by five times I guess,
Good enough, right?
Really hope to see friends like you here?
*mengeluh berah*
So, see ya, dearests!!

Friday, September 23, 2011


thanx kpd amimah hasniyah y tlong ajaq ak tlis blog....n tima kaseh pd kwn2 y bg support!!hheheheh...sukanya!!!tolong bg tunjuk ajar yer kwn2....luv u all till death!!mmmmuahhhh....saranghae!!<3<3<3<3<3

Monday, September 19, 2011

Must read, dearest!!!!

At first, I feel weird to write this.
But on the second thought, aku nak suruh gak hangpa semua baca... Hahahaha.
Well, this may sound cheesy.
Nak buat macam mana, mim ni memang fantasi warna warni sikit.
Susah betul jadi orang gila novel ngan komik ni.
Asyik nak menggatal ja...Hehehehehe...

Okaylah, even though I like to read so many novels, there are some novels that I like so much and I hope to get a spouse just like the hero.
Let's talk about heroes that I like today.
Firstly, HIDAYAH CINTA karya Ilham Hamdani.
I like the hero so much that my e-mail came from the combination of his name and the heroine.
See? Umar Thilmisani is the hero's name.
What's so special about him?
A thing that not all the hero in the novel has,
The ability to take the girls to be nearer to the God.
That's what really adorable about him.
Although he is so pious in a way, he still not deny his fitrah.
The line that I like the most is :
Hatiku hanya ada satu, dan ianya milik sakura putihku.
Okay, that's so sweet!

Secondly, aA + bB by Hlovate.
Benz Alif Sulaiman
He kind of worry me a bit,
But he's still romantic.
He's not perfect but he can differentiate between the good and bad.
And he willing to wait for 8 - 9 years for the heroine.
And towards the end of the story, he manage to take his wife to a better life.
They are in the right path, but he manage to brought them deeper
.He changed for good!
And the story is realistic!

Thirdly, Versus, also by Hlovate.
What make me so impressed with this guy, Ashraff Omar is,
He tries to be a better man than the girl he like.
He works so hard and manage to do it.
He changed from a skater to a man that have full of knowledge.
It's very impressive!

Fourthly, Kemilau Mutiara Raudhah by Saidatul Saffa.
I like Izzat because he also try his best and become a better man.
Although the story seems a little unrealistic cause he was living so badly before he changed.
He also change a little drastically.
But, he becomes better.
I like the way he educate her wife.
And I like how he changed and become so much better which can match completely by his wife.

Fifthly, Adam Hawa by Aisya Sofea.
Adam Mukhriz is a guy, who is a pilot and married to Ain Hawani because of some kind of misunderstanding.
He waited for his wife to accept him back for 8 years!
And he also changed, for good.
He not as naughty as he had been before.
And his line that I like is :
My love for you will never fade until the last petal of this flower die.
And know what? He gives the card with the cheesy line with a plastic flower.
So, how will the petals die?
It'll never die forever!

And recently, it's Ikhlas, A.K! by Nirrosette.
The guy, Adam Khalis was awesome!
He fall in love with the girl, Nu Kaseh Kaisara, which is a playgirl!
He waited for her to come at the MRT (just like LRT in Malaysia) for two hours.
Well, he tries is best to changed her to be a good and better Muslimah.
It was so sweet to read how he separate chilies in Kaseh's fried rice.
How he teases the cute and innocent Kaseh.
And how he wait for Kaseh as she followed her father's instruction just to protect Adam.
It is sweet okay!!!

The thing is, all of them are pious, romantic and of course, rich.
These are three main things that I always wanted my future husband to have.
Kalau tak kaya pun tak apa, asalkan dia ada duit yang cukup.
I never live in hard way,
Tak kisahlah hidup sederhana,
But not too poor.
Asalkan cukup basically, tak payah berhutang, Alhamdulillah.
At least, when we didn't have to think a lot about money, we can live happily.
Now's the world which everything have to be bought by money.
Waima public toilet sekalipun...
So, kena ada duit, ya?
And of course, he must be able to educate me in becoming a better Muslimah just like how my parents did for me.

However, I don't want them to be my spouse.
I'm not as brave as Takahashi Ayumi (sakura putih) to get a very good man as Umar Thilmisani.
I'm not as good as Nur Addin Shah to get a very romantic man as Benz Alif Sulaiman.
I'm not as pure as Minn Edina to get a very brave man as Ashraff Omar.
I'm also not as right as Raudhah to get a very smart man as Izzat.
I'm also not as tough as Ain Hawani to get a very patient man as Adam Mukhriz.
And I'm not as innocent as Nur Kaseh Kaisara to get as sweet man as Adam Khalis.

I'm just me, Amienieya Yusof which is an ordinary girl.
So I hope to get just a right person as me.
Take care of me as my parents always do for me.
Accompanying me as trough my life as my friend always do for me.
And lastly, teach me towards a better life of a Musleem life.
That's what I wish and hope it'll come true.

Baru 19 tahun dah cakap benda2 camni!
Dah gatai sangat!
Baik pi study ka, buat homework ka!
And you, the ones who is like me and reading this post!
Please stop and go back to ur study, now!
Stop daydreaming!!!!!!!!!

Hehe, Sorry to waste ur time.
I am who I am.
I do what I always like to do.
So, see ya?

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Alkisah pada suatu malam di pasar malam...

Err baru ce cuba nk ngepost kt cni..(credit to mim sbb brjaya pksa aku)..huhu..alkisahnya gini lahh..ada satu hari tu, seperti kebiasaannya aku ziarah gerai2 kt pasar malam,jenguk2 menu yg berkenan dan berkemampuan(da hidup sendiri sekarang,xleh laa nak ‘mewah’ lagi)..alih2 dua kali round pun xjumpa lagi nak ngap apa..baru abis cuti raya so pegerai pegerai pon byk lagi yg bercuti(kesian lak kt student2 u yg dah habis cuti,perut pun terkena tempias cuti menu)..tiba2 aku terserempak dgn sorang mamat yg mmg aku kenal(nama n kelas kt skolah ja,xkenal lebih2) tersengih2 kat aku n my geng..mulanya tunduk(konon aiyuu ) tp cam xbestlaa bila org sengih kita xsenyum balik..kengkawan gak namapun even TIDAK PERNAH mengalami konversasi dgn encik beliau..akibatnya, mulutnya yg baru kusedar laser tu emit tahap nk cincang hancur orang lain pun ternganga lalu terucaplah bait2 pedas lagi mengharukan(pedas sos cili Life ja bukan cabai Melaka pun)..

“Laa ish hampa ni, tak balik2 lagi? Tak mandi2 lagi?”

“Err emm”,
[aku n d geng terdiam,baru sedar yg kami still berbaju kurung yg sama kat kelas dari pagi2 buta 8am sampai td 9pm..maksudnya belom mandi laa..dush2]

Terus beliau bersama rakannya(yg juga aku kenal fizikalnya) blah meninggalkan kami..out of blue(cewahh nk praktik guna English yg dah berkarat) lidahku lancar membalas :

“Tolong naa, kami dah balik semayang pun tau..siap salin kasut lagi..tp mandi mmg dak lagi laa”

……..jarak antara kami dah menjangkau hampir 50m,ce bayangkan volume suwara memasing……….

Aku gelak ja..biasa tu,gurau..tp aku nk bagitau yg geng aku terasa..depa kata depa malu..betul laa agak embarrassing(awatlaa aku xdak feel)..tgh2 pasar malam mai duk tegur orang camtu..so, moralnya JANGANlaa tegur benda2 cenggini kat orang yang anda belom kenal sepenuhnya sebab anda tak tau kita tak tau apa yg orang tu rasa..

p/s : jujur cakap, aku ni insan hati simen..susah nak makan hati benda remeh2 gini..tp tak semua orang hati simen mcm aku naa..mind ur words everytime!! ~wassalam~ [sok ada kuiz anatomy]

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Jika Kamu Mengatakan Cinta

Jika kamu memancing ikan..
Setelah ikan itu terlekat di mata kail, hendaklah kamu mengambil ikan itu. Janganlah sesekali kamu MELEPASKAN ia semula ke dalam air begitu saja. Kerana ia akan SAKIT oleh kerana bisanya ketajaman mata kailmu dan mungkin ia akan MENDERITA selagi ia masih hidup.
Begitulah juga setelah kamu memberi banyak PENGHARAPAN kepada seseorang. Setelah ia mulai MENYAYANGIMU hendaklah kamu MENJAGA hatinya. Janganlah sesekali kamu meninggalkannya begitu saja.. Kerana dia akan TERLUKA oleh kenangan bersamamu dan mungkin TIDAK dapat MELUPAKAN segalanya selagi dia mengingatmu. 
Jika kamu menadah air biarlah berpada, jangan terlalu mengharap pada takungannya dan janganlah menganggap ia begitu teguh.. Cukuplah sekadar keperluanmu. Apabila sekali ia retak. Tentu sukar untuk kamu menambalnya semula.
Akhirnya ia dibuang. Sedangkan jika kamu cuba memperbaikinya mungkin ia masih dapat dipergunakan lagi. Begitu juga jika kamu memiliki seseorang, TERIMALAH seadanya. Janganlah kamu terlalu mengaguminya dan janganlah kamu menganggapnya begitu istimewa.
Anggaplah dia manusia biasa. Apabila sekali dia melakukan KESILAPAN bukan mudah bagi kamu untuk menerimanya. Akhirnya kamu KECEWA dan meninggalkannya. Sedangkan jika kamu MEMAAFKANNYA boleh jadi hubungan kamu akan TERUS hingga ke akhirnya. 
Jika kamu telah memiliki sepinggan nasi yang kamu pasti baik untuk dirimu. Mengenyangkan. Berkhasiat.Mengapa kamu berlengah, cuba mencari makanan yang lain. Terlalu ingin mengejar kelazatan.
Kelak, nasi itu akan basi dan kamu tidak boleh memakannya. Kamu akan menyesal. Begitu juga jika kamu telah bertemu dengan seorang insan.. Yang pasti membawa KEBAIKAN kepada dirimu. MENYAYANGIMU. MENGASIHIMU.
Mengapa kamu berlengah, cuba MEMBANDINGKANNYA dengan yang lain. Terlalu mengejar kesempurnaan. Kelak, kamu akan KEHILANGANNYA apabila dia menjadi milik orang lain. Kamu juga yang akan MENYESAL.
Renung-renungkanlah wahai teman.. icon smile Jika Kamu Mengatakan Cinta..


Monday, May 2, 2011


Hye kawan-kawan....
Saja aku nak menyebuk gak kat sini...
Di sini ada beberapa pesanan penaja...
1) HANI!!!! Sila post something!!
2) PAIN!! Follow saja buat apa?? Post sumting jugak!!
3) MIERA!! Follow blog ni cepat...
4) MIM!! Buat saja tak tulis apa awatnya??
5) FYDA !! Bawak kereta elok2 noh...


Friday, April 29, 2011


kamilah 5 kepala yg gila2x xtaw arah suka ja wat ikot suka hati...haha..presenting:






kami bkn stok dak2x jahat yg slaloo wat masalah disiplin tp kami bkn bdk nerd lurus cam pembaris...kami bertindak mengikut keadaan..bak kata pepatah..mengikut arus..bak kata Ustazah Jailah,jgn melawan arus!!haha,tp kami slaloo wat dan ikut peraturan sendiri..

antara semua..hani la paling tua...n pain la paling muda..n aku n mim la merangkap anak bongsu n hani n miera la wakil anak sulung..kami memang berbeza tapi kami sejiwa bila masuk bab ***

kami xde la nakal mane..stakat wat bising lam library,prep kat surau, makan blkng koop,dtg perhimpunan lmbt n balik prep awai ja..heh,tu br ckit!!!tp kami sume ni pandai gak la nk meleser kalo ad yg gatai sgt dok wat crita plik2x...

hehe,tapi satu yg kami pantang....kami tak suka org yg HIPOKRIT....haha,sape yg suke org yg hipokrit kn??

huhu,tp skrng kami dah berpecah..ade yg dok nun jauh kat utara,ade yg kt selatan n ade yg kt tengah2x...sume cbuk mengejar cita2x masing2x..ade yg nk fly oversea,ade yg nk fly gak tp fly lm malaysia jugak,ade yg dah jd hafizah,n ade yg still mencari identiti...hehe..cita2x kami sume berbeza n hopefully kita sume berjaye..yeay!!!

tunggulah nanti lagi 10 thn..kita wat reunion grand nye bw family skali kay..hehe..


Monday, April 25, 2011

friends forever

Selama ini
Ku mencari-cari
Teman yang sejati
Buat menemani
Perjuangan suci

Bersyukur kini
PadaMu Illahi
Teman yang dicari
Selama ini
Telah kutemui

Dengannya di sisi
Perjuangan ini
Senang diharungi
Bertambah murni
Kasih Illahi
KepadaMu Allah
Kupanjatkan doa
Agar berkekalan
Kasih sayang kita

Kepadamu teman
Ku pohon sokongan
Pengorbanan dan pengertian
Telah kuungkapkan

KepadaMu Allah
Kupohon restu
Agar kita kekal bersatu
Kepadamu teman
Teruskan perjuangan
Pengorbanan dan kesetiaan
Telah kuungkapkan
Itulah tandanya
Kejujuran kita

Saturday, April 23, 2011

mim..how lucky u r!!

3.45 p.m,CS,
incoming call: New Mim

Mim: surprise!!!fyda,cube ko teka aku kat mane??ko jgn x pecaye aku wat kerja gile nie!!

Fyda: ko jgn ckp ko da sampai Bukit Selambau da!!

Mim: Aku kat Pesta Buku!!hehehehehehe

Fyda:Bukan cakap ritu xley pegi kew??

Mim:Hehe,aku mai dgn abang aku...

Fyda:OMG...jumpe sape??

Mim:Aku jumpe syud..and dy siap sign ! buku utk ang..with P/s-happy belated birthday to Mufidah!!

Fyda: Mim!!!!!!!!Biar benar!!!Ni yang jeles nie...

Mim: Haha..nanti ari ahad aku nk mai lain..Nak jumpa Pingu Toha..

Fyda: Mim,,sungguh aku jeles..xpe la..jgn lupa amik gambr Pingu Toha k!!

Call ended,4.05 p.m

Hoho..sungguh la aku harap gile aku ada dkt KL skrng..n sungguh la I wish yg latihan keta aku bkn 26hb..kalo x..dgn senang hati ja aku da boley bersuka ria dkt kl..Bkn stakat pesta buku,tmpat2x len pon aku nk serbu gak...nak wat mcm mana kalo aku ni jenis suka bejalan kn??

Haila,awatla kat Sp ni xda shooping complex besaq2x cam kt kl tuh..x pon,buh la lrt ka monorel sng la ckit aku nk p jln2x..ni nk tunggu bus berjanggut la..isk3x,x boley jadi ni...cpt la sp ni jd bandar besaq so bley la depa bina shopping mall besaq2..dpt mcm queensbay tu pon jadi la!!

Sunday, April 17, 2011


 it's soo long since i wrote the last post..and..yes,since solihin had complain that it's been like months that i'm not active...so ni la nk cecite nie....

xtaw la nk tles ape dah but since aritu MUET kuar soalan pasal frienship..so i guess that will be the right topic for this post..okay...


oleh itu...once i read the question,confidently i drew a mind map on the points of agreement with the statement..punyala karang sampai 2 muke surat for all 3 points that i have..but, frankly,i don't have really strong points..my only points are:
  1. a friend in need is a friend indeed n pndai2x la relate
  2. friendship last forever bla3x
  3. friendship teach us many thing and make us stronger
punyela ber 'berchenta' merapu berkajang kajang smpai 50 mins..BUT,actually,i don't really happy with my points as i can give stronger points..tp layan jela kn da name pon exam..so,everything pon on the spot la kn..n as well as the fact that i don't write for such a log time and i'm sure i have lost my talent in writing..even my vocab became worse...sabar je la..tula..blaja dulu tyme spm sbb nk exam kn..ni bila da lame2x sume pon lupe ye mufidah??

So,here what is friendship is basically??i'm confused too as friendship is way too general and can be ambiguous.and seriously i don't really get the exact meaning of friendship..it just because some of my friends called it under the name of friendship when two opposite sex get closed and have the very special feeling..or friendship is just the relation between friends??

owh..how i don't know to answer the question...but i'm extremely agree with my 3rd point that friendship makes us stronger if to put myself in the context..i have a lot of friends all over malaysia but some of them are very close to me and some are not..some just fill the friend title just as a name to show that i just know their name.but,i don't really treat them as the real friend is-yea,to share problems etc as i say b4,a friend in need is a friend indeed.but,making friends with a lot of people make me become matured to really know which one is a friend or an enemy!!

in my life,i have many bitter sweet memories of friendship..i had a best friend that i'm closed to since i was 7 until i was 11.we used to sit beside each other in class and we had the same hobbies and interest even same height..but after that,i moved to another school and we lost contact,to be separated for years..and only after years,i met him again the past few months as we are in the same university..but sadly,we can't even have a good conversation and we just don't feel like continuing the friendship all over again..so,here,is this considered as friendship as my 2nd point agree that friendship last forever..and similarly,a had many best friends before but our relationship end to an end when we were separated!!i even know nothing about my used-to-be- best friends..

next, a good friend of mine was once the one i hate the most and we used to backbiting each other and yet we became good friend at last..so,if true that friendship is a valuable thing in my life,i won't take my enemy as my good friend..it will be better to have a relationship with someone that we are happy with since the beginning rather than to have it with our own enemy...

i also made friend with someone when i'm in desperate situation where i really need someone to be beside me..so,here i rather think that i'm not honest to befriend with her as i just need her for my good  and without trust and faith,the true definition of friend..

moreover,i also make friends with people that can get along with me best..that have the same habits,interests,acts etc..if it is true that friendship cares nothing..i will not only find someone which is similar to me to be my friend but the difference will be a perfect criteria as a friend will complete the other friend..

so,it depends on everyone to judge friendship as i don't have the answer scheme for this question..

Sunday, March 6, 2011

7 march 2011

haha..here i come again..so, today,7 march 2011 is the day when i turn 19..sweet 19..ahakz... it's really happy to celebrate my birthday but i know that it comes along with a lot of responsibilities and efforts..i really need to be grown up and to really able to decide my future..that's SERIOUS!! haha,here comes the scary parts..i/m afraid that it will not turn up to be like what i wish..and now,i'm waiting for my result..and i'm not sure whether i'm able to graduate from cfs with honour..worst case scenario-just a pass!!uwaa...that is it..huh,so pressure and tense=)urm,WHAT-SO-EVER,i'm ready for anything ahead and i'm ready to rock the world.so,thanks dear friends who always give me supports.I love you all=)

Friday, February 11, 2011

to be or not to be??

surprisingly,here i'm again..spending my time reporting what seems to be happened to me=)huh,bigger burden are on my shoulder-to be or not to be?to do or not to do?to believe or not to believe?to try or not to try?ouch..that questions keep pondering into my mind,even my dream.okay,let me make this CLEAR..i'm joining one usrah under one organization here in UIA.And, this usrah needs a lot of commitments and responsibilities to be taken into account.Yet,recently,we(me and my friends) are a kind forced to be responsible to continue the planning of the seniors to spread the dakwah-to be a da'i.Fortunately,i will be graduating so i'm not going to involve but my friends,they can't say nothing. We join the usrah for the sake of getting better and to improve our knowledge in Islam, thats it,not more and not less. But,we are given the responsibilities to continue the traditon-to conduct MABIT(malam bina iman dan taqwa),ta'lim,iftar jama'e,and others religious program which we even don't care much. And we will be the next da'i???omg-it's a tough thing to do and I'm not ready for it.
To preach others to do good things means that i'm the one who need to change first.How am I going to advice those in tudung labuh and way much better than I am.So,in this case,i'm really dissatisfied and fear to deal with this.But,on the other hand,I want to be a better person and I really want to change myself.I've been reading a lot of Hlovate's novel and I'm influenced with the story.If Minn Edina whom a skater can change 360 and change from free hair to tudung labuh,yet Trisya can be a new Batrisya that have very strong faith in Islam,why not me???So,does it means that it is the turning point of my life?To start changing my style and follow the path that Minn Edina and Batrisya had been through..Owh,that is really hard!!To say something and not to do the thing is consider as practical inconsistency??Do I have to be one??But,to do dakwah and to preach Islam is a saint thing to do..Does it means that if I do dakwah,I will become a better person?Or can't I be a better person if I don't do dakwah??It's confusing and I'm breathless.I can't decide and my mind and my heart are fighting with each other lately dealing with this matter.Okay,this is enough said,I will never talk about it again and hopefully i will have peaceful mind after this...
May Allah leads me to the right path:p

Thursday, February 10, 2011

just to show around NILAI...

we do have MCD okay..
haha,our activities in the evening
not so tidy dorm but win the cleanest dorm for last semester..ahaks(big evil laugh)
Dataran Nilai-the trademark!!
one happy family:p

Specially dedicated to those who had never stepped in the province of NILAI... a small town with a lot of warm people..okay,this is a bit fishy!-anyway, no offence guys.huhu,I'm super happy to have a very cool and happy go lucky doormmates and here we are>>

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Hye dear...
I just feel like I want to write something here.
At least to share what I've been through for about 7 month as a college student.
Being a scholar is one of my-dreams-come-true.
I still have a feeling like I was in a fairy tale story which everything will end like happily ever after.
The truth is reality bites.
Being a scholar means you have assess to a higher level which you have to confront a very higher level of expectation especially from your parents, sponsors, lecturer and of course everyone who revolves around you.
Higher expectations from everyone surely gives you a higher burden and stress.
But, its all about life.
If you want something higher, then the risk is higher, its reality, right?
As a JPA scholar, although we have the less expectations from Petronas and also Sime Darby scholars, but still I have to struggle all of my will for a go.
Everything was a brand new for me, the friends, the language and of course the culture shock.
This is the first time I've being taught to be open-minded and really accept all our friend as they were.
They didn't all satisfied us but we could not chose which friends we would like to be close because are only us and them.
I was holding a lot of pressure to purify myself as right as I could as they were doing all things that we doesn't expected.
All of them come from a different background and you should just wish to see they wore what they should wore.
It was really tough to keep on going but I must keep going.
This year, I will sit for my AS exam which must satisfies the qualification.
Well, it really tough but I work my all and I don't wanna be such a cocky student.
I was very small instead of my friend who score so much A's in their SPM.
I was fortunate to be one of them so I must go all out for my future.
The problem is, I did not very sure what my degree is.
SASTERA IKHTISAS was a very large area which I have to pick and also meet my sponsor's requirement.
Yes, it sure really tough but I'm very sure, to work on it is not impossible at all.
I just have to do my best and ALLAH will do the rest.
Always put your trust in ALLAH.
Life is not smiling all the time because sometime we need to cry.
ALLAH knows more.
Therefore, let all the lane and path revolve around you whether it so hard or so easy.
Life is about risks and it require you to jump.
The solution is, don't jump into the wrong point.
Jump as high as you cant and you will get the star that you always wanna pick...
Love you all..

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

nagging and nagging

huh..just to update this blog, i'll make up a story about myself and my life as a BEN student..to begin with, i'll be graduating within a month and final exam will start on the 14th but i don't think a'm that prepared for the big EXAM..I hate the fact that this exam will decide whether i'll be graduating with flying colours or just indeed to get a past grade-c or even worst, I need to repeat one more semester.Never ever imagined that okay>> huh,this semester is really burdening with a lot of subjects to focus, society activities that make my life even chaotic, and everything has jumble up.and to face the exam is really scary and I do hope that I can catch up with all my excellence friends from my class. To be truth, to be in English environment to live with it everyday is a tough stuff.Understanding is harder than to be imagined..But, at least I had come to the end and I really wish I'll succeed.And thinking of going to Gombak for degree is much more frightening..I don't even know what to take and i'm undecided aimless girl which no nothing about my future.so now, see- how unorganized my life was..I'm tired too death to think about all this and hopefully i'll manage to settle down very soon.Okay-thats will be such a long story from me..So,enough from me and hope to hear from all of you soon dear friends so that we can share experiences and know the latest information of all of you guys=)