Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Settling down

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Hi semua.
Aku sihat, mental fizikal dan emosi.
Rohani masih dalam proses penambahbaikan.
Anyway, aku tak tahu bahawa hampa akan baca atau tak, memandangkan semua orang tengah sibuk dgn pilihanraya kampus, start sem baru and all the whole lot of classes and assignment...
Tapi aku nak tulis gak kat sini.
Serius, aku rindu hampa semua...
Aku rasa macam nak stay ja zaman kita sekolah menengah dulu.
no matter how hard the rule is, kita akan tetap jadi rule breakers, kan?
Kat sini, tak ada rules untuk di-break.
That's why life has no fun anymore.
Living in KDU for two years to tell the truth is a whole bigger life merely than what I expected.
The pain, the tears and the difficulties have been endured much.
And for the first week in Coventry, I already learn the single word of 'SURVIVAL'.
It's hard.
People are nice but you don't really know them.
This is the first time I always say hi to every people I see and greet every Malaysians I ever saw.
Semua macam kawan, macam saudara.
Living here make me think deeper and more mature.
I don't have any Malaysians in my class and rarely found them in university.
Coventry is a really new different world from what I have been through so far.
Sometimes I regret choosing this way....
But I know ALLAH's plan is always the best.
I am very thankful to have great people around me.
I am very thankful to have my family and friends around me.
Although they are far away...
Although I can't see them for a long time.
I know their warmth hug and prayer are always with me.
I don't know how hard my heart is, but I didn't even drop any tears yet.
I'm sad but I can't cry.
Do you know how hurt it is?
Tapi, ALLAH pertemukan lebih ramai orang yang akan berada sekali kat sini.
Although there are 10 miles away, at least I know I have people to turn in if I have any problems.
Okay, entry yang sangatlah tidak menunjukkan penulis adalah Amimah Hasniyah.
Sorry, my dears.
Anyway, love you so much.
See you when the times come!!